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      © Elanele 2011:                                10 Market Square -  Stony Stratford -  Bucks -  MK11 1BE:    01908 566565:    www.elanele.co.uk:                                                   PAH WEB DESIGN
Lyn Shankster Elanele
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Testimonials and Treatment reviews for 2011
Testimonials and Treatment reviews for 2012
Testimonials and Treatment reviews for 2013
Testimonials and Treatment reviews for 2014
Testimonials and Treatment reviews for 2015
"Come and experience
       total relaxation, book today"
01908 566565
Testimonials and Treatment reviews for 2016

Please feel free to send us a testimonial or treatment review on-line using the the appropriate links which you can find above; Client Testimonial tab; click the drop down tab "your testimonial" for writing a salon testimonial or click the "your treatment review" tab for reviewing a treatment that you have had.
All testimonials and treatment reviews are published on our web site,you can read our Privacy Policy by using the link above. you can also leave reviews on other sites such as Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Beauty Salon Review and numerous other sites, but please be kind enough to let us know by E-mail if you leave a testimonial or review on another site so we can track them. Please be sure to read their Privacy Policy and make sure you agree with it, stay safe on line. Thank You for visiting us.
Elanele and all the Therapists would like to thank all clients that have taken the time to supply these testimonials and reviews of specific treatments.

These are independent testimonials and reviews from clients that have used the Elanele Beauty Center and none have been doctored or picked specifically for the purpose of this page.

If you have been a client, or you are an existing client, please feel free to send in a testimonial and it will be published exactly as you have written it. These testimonials are constantly updated, monitored and help us to constantly improve are services and gauge client feed back designed to continually raise the bar on the overall experience.   

We want prospective clients to have the confidence to believe what is written and use the information to make an informed decision on the basis of the testimonials and reviews all content is given freely and expresses the views and opinions of the author, who has been a client or is an existing client of the  Elanele Beauty Center please be sure to give a star rating on your testimonial or review 1 to 5 please be objective and honest.
01908 566565

Elanele Beauty Center Testimonials 2017
Elanele Beauty Center on FaceBook
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Testimonials and Treatment reviews for 2017
10 Market Square
Stony Stratford
Milton Keynes MK11 1BE - 01908 566565
Testimonials and Treatment reviews for 2018
Testimonials and Treatment reviews for 2019
Testimonials and Treatment reviews for 2020

Testimonials and Treatment reviews for 2021

Lyn                    Darcie              Zoe                 Georgina
Testimonials and Treatment reviews for 2022

Lyn                    Darcie              Zoe                 Georgina

Lyn                    Darcie              Zoe                 Georgina

Lyn                    Darcie              Zoe                 Georgina

Lyn                    Darcie              Zoe                 Georgina

                 Lyn                    Darcie             Georgina

                 Lyn                    Darcie             Georgina

                 Lyn                    Darcie             Georgina

                 Lyn                    Darcie             Georgina

                 Lyn                    Darcie             Georgina

                 Lyn                    Darcie             Georgina

                 Lyn                    Darcie             Georgina

Testimonials and Treatment reviews for 2024